Dodgers: Three things to remember to help soften the World Series loss

LOS ANGELES, CA - NOVEMBER 01: The Los Angeles Dodgers watch the eighth inning from the top step against the Houston Astros in game seven of the 2017 World Series at Dodger Stadium on November 1, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
LOS ANGELES, CA - NOVEMBER 01: The Los Angeles Dodgers watch the eighth inning from the top step against the Houston Astros in game seven of the 2017 World Series at Dodger Stadium on November 1, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) /
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LOS ANGELES, CA – NOVEMBER 01:  (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images) – Los Angeles Dodgers
LOS ANGELES, CA – NOVEMBER 01:  (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images) – Los Angeles Dodgers /

The Los Angeles Dodgers were one win away from their first World Series title since 1988. Although it hurts, these three things can help soften the blow.

One win away. One terrible start from Yu Darvish, one throwing error from Cody Bellinger, one absent offensive game away from being the World Series Champions. Ever since I was born Dodger blue has been pumping through my veins. Losing in game seven of the World Series, in such a lackluster manner, was the most painful sports moment of my life.

I am only 19. I cannot even fathom the emotion of someone in their mid to late twenties, early thirties, that was alive during the Dodgers’ last World Series victory but cannot remember. Some franchises wait decades, centuries, 29 years seem small.

Still, never in my life did I ever think I would see my team win the World Series. Doubt always crept in, and the one year that the doubt stopped, the heartbreak ensued. For once everything was going the Dodgers way, Every bounce was a Dodgers bounce, every magical moment all season was supposed to lead to a World Series victory at the beautiful Dodger Stadium.

Except it didn’t. All seven months of hope, optimism and magic came crashing down as the Dodgers stranded ten men on base. I guess it wasn’t meant to be, and now, it seems like it never will be.

However, although the window of opportunity definitely is closing, there are some good signs moving forward. So, if you are a heartbroken Dodger fan like myself, here are three things that should at least soften the blow.